Prostitution sting
A large number of people have been arrested on charges related to prostitution during a sting operation conducted by law enforcement officials in Baldwin County. Authorities say more than 75 people were hauled off to jail in three Baldwin County cities. 20 people were arrested in Daphne, 25 in Gulf Shores, and 30 in Foley.
Among those under arrest is U.S. House of Representatives candidate Benjamin Lodmell, a Democrat planning to run against three-term Republican incumbent Jo Bonner in the fall general election. Authorities say Lodmell made a deal with an undercover female police officer. Now he's facing a charge of soliciting a prostitute.
The series of prostitution arrests came after a two-week-long sting operation conducted by several local law enforcement agencies in Baldwin County. Most of the charges against the accused are misdemeanors, but that still could mean jail time for those suspects.
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